jc blog - tales of a modern-day nomadic hunter-gatherer

Follow jcomeau_ictx on Twitter This is the weblog of Intrepid Wanderer. You never know what you might find here; graphic descriptions of bodily functions, computer programming secrets, proselytizing for the antichrist, miscellaneous ranting and kvetching, valuable information on living off the land... if you don't share my rather weird interests you may want to try slashdot instead.

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You can find me easily in google searches, as jcomeau, jcomeau_ictx, or jcomeauictx. There are lots of other jcomeaus, but AFAIK I'm the only jcomeau_ictx out there so far.

If you want to comment on anything you see here, try the new Facebook comments, reachable by clicking the "[comment]" link at the end of each post. If for some reason that isn't working, go ahead and email me, jc.unternet.net. You know what to do with the first dot. Make the 'subject' line something reasonably intelligent-looking or it goes plunk! into the spambasket unread.

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Ate part of an African tulip tree blossom today. It didn't taste as good as it did yesterday, a bit bitter; but OK, and after about an hour still didn't experience any bad after-effects, so I'll classify it tentatively as edible. [comment]


In my dream I had just made some joke about screwing Jesus, and the Jewish guy I was talking to was trying to out-blaspheme me. He started telling this intricate joke about his G-d and angels, but he kept pronouncing the holy name as Ye-he-veh, 3 syllables. I don't believe I've ever heard this before, and Googling gives relatively few results. [comment]


Ended up edibility-testing something today after all: natal plum flower. Tastes good, a lot like the fruit as I remember. [comment]


Should have gotten started with bitcoins years ago, and actually did at one point but forgot to continue. Now I'm starting again finally, downloaded the Linux tarball and am running bitcoin-qt. Have over 80600 "blocks" left before I'm online, out of 200000. I don't understand how it all works yet, but if I live long enough I might. [comment]


Tasted the leaf of the local "sunflower", it was aromatic and not unpleasant. Might be good for a tea or as a component of a salad, if it turns out to be nontoxic; not sure I want to complete an edibility test today.

I also tried the blossom of the African tulip tree. It has a sweet liquid resting in the "cup" that could possibly be poured out without harming the plant at all, but I had already torn the petals so I chewed one. I can't say what it tasted like, but it was good. If it turns out to be edible, it would make a tasty and attractive addition to any meal. [comment]


I awoke from another "work" dream, this time working for Al again. In one vignette of it, There was a little logo, "Merlot Trailways", showing a minibus and in the foreground, what looked like a long turd, though on second thought it might have been a hand-rolled cigar. I remember it from another dream as being an example of a failed marketing campaign. Another logo said "Soulless Lee" and had the black-and-white photo of a Chinese guy, digitally warped to resemble Edvard Munch's The Scream. No clue what that was about.

Another recent dream had me providing outsourced help to the USPS. They sent an installation team to put equipment in my house and I was supposed to operate and maintain it. I tried the facer-canceler and it jammed instantly; the feed belt was broken. I was puttering around with other things and hours later, when someone would be coming around soon to collect the mail, I remembered I hadn't run the machines. I went back to the facer-canceler and started it up. Of course the belt was still broken. I didn't know where the replacements were, so I asked the elderly lady assigned to me as an assistant to find out. But I realized I had failed my first night on the job. I couldn't remember what I had done that whole night. [comment]


Today I tasted the fruit of what might be a local variant of bay laurel. It had a very similar taste, though the leaves weren't as thick and were much longer. Also tasted a pod of the acacia with the spherical clusters of blossoms (too bitter), the flowers and buds of the acacia with the conical cymes (also too bitter), and the spiny cucumber I found a few days ago (incredibly bitter). And tried one of the red fruits on what looks to be a ficus: almost tasteless, and so dry it sucked all the moisture out of my mouth.

The goal today was to edibility-test that "cucumber", and it's a definite "inedible". I don't doubt that it has some medicinal value, though. [comment]


Enjoying the sunset over my 2nd liter of Modelo Especial at El Parnazo. [comment]


After my morning jog and coffee, I decided to go and edibity-test that spiny cucumber I found the other day. It was after 1PM when I found it. Bit an end off one of the fruits and squirted the pulp and seeds into my mouth. Cucumber all right, but so intensely bitter I had to spit multiple times, then eat the sweet tomato I had foraged on Forjadores not long before entering the arroyo. In a coffeeshop now, rehydrating and resting my feet. [comment]


This post starts off about a gas tax, which doesn't interest me. When he starts in on the 2nd Amendment issues, though, I'm thinking "shit getting real". Mike's "The liberty tree is parched!" will long be remembered as one of this Fourth Turning's battle cries. [comment]


First test of starting a fire with 0000-grade steel wool: first with batteries. These were fully charged AA NiMH cells, eneloop 1900mAh. 1 cell did nothing. 2 cells and I got some smoke, but the tip of my finger that was holding the wool to the positive end got too hot, and I had to let go. Need to watch more YouTube videos and try again.

Then with the firesteel. It catches a spark reliably, blows into a flame reliably, but you need something right then and there to catch that flame and propagate it; it goes out instantly otherwise. It's great as tinder, but that's all. [comment]


On my walk today, I found a tamarind tree with low-hanging fruit, so picked one of the smallest pods and munched it down. It was at the perfect stage of dryness, crunchy on the outside and gooey inside, with a sweet-and-sour flavor. The seeds are extremely hard! I tossed it on a spot that gets watered as evidenced by the amount of grass growing. Perhaps there will be a tamarindo growing there someday.

I also found a ripe (but not too ripe -- they get tough and leathery) Coast Almond fruit and ate it. Another keeper.

Bought some 0000 grade steel wool for testing with my firesteel and batteries. [comment]


If Mark Kelly falsified information on his 4473, he should be tried in a court of law, as were the Reeses. [comment]


At low tide I see water gushing out of a hole in the Malecon across from Hotel Pekin. I wonder what the source could be. [comment]


Got a gig fixing a guy's Outlook setup at Palmira Marina this morning. Jogged first, then stopped for coffee at the Dinghy Dock Restaurant & Bar. Coffee is $MXP22 for a whole pitcher. Food items are pricy but I asked for a pan dulce (not on the menu) and was brought two small donuts. Don't know yet how much it's going to cost me. Can't get wifi here either, though I might have the key after this job is complete. [comment]


Aha! Found some news on this: http://blog.ted.com/2013/02/28/the-language-of-dolphins-denise-herzing-at-ted2013/ [comment]


I've been thinking about this off-and-on for years, but it's time to get serious about it: enabling dolphins and/or whales to participate in the Internetocracy. The dolphin language has been studied for decades, and some progress has been made, but until an interface is developed that truly enables cetaceans to communicate electronically I'm afraid we won't have a good chance of avoiding global catastrophe. [comment]


Ate one of the purported passion fruits today with possibly no ill effects; can't be certain because I also drank coffee, which on an almost-empty stomach can cause the same stomach distress I felt about an hour later. I'm going to assume it was OK. Also split open another strange fruit I found, a soft-spined cucumber or melon, which smelled a lot like a cucumber, but didn't taste it. Got lots of photos of plants which I should be uploading soon to commons.wikimedia.org. [comment]


Ever since that rear molar broke a second time a few weeks ago, there was a really sharp edge on the piece closest to my inner cheek, and once I accidentally bit my cheek a few days ago the resultant swelling caused the tooth to be continually "catching" the skin. Finally yesterday I pulled out my two-sided diamond plate from RagweedForge.com and filed it down a few strokes with the medium grit side. Instant fix. No more catching. [comment]


There was a conversation on Facebook yesterday, on Chris Lyspooner's page, about the FairTax, quoting Lew Rockwell and saying it's just as coercive and evil as the current income tax. I disagree, and I believe Lew knows better. But a lot of the respondents agreed, saying it's like comparing herpes to siphylis and other such metaphors. All or nothing. Zero shades of gray. Something I understand in 20-somethings or even 30-somethings but older anarchists should know better. We reached this sorry state we're in by incrementalism, and we'll make it better again the same way. The FairTax subsumes income tax, social security tax, and IIRC corporate tax as well, gets rid of the evil IRS and mandatory filing requirements, and by taxing only new goods and services gives you a way of opting out for the most part. And a prebate takes care of the essentials, like food, that aren't so good second-hand.

Maybe Lew was just being grumpy that day. It happens. [comment]


Took me about 53 minutes this morning to jog the Starbucks route. Cracked my head on a sign that was probably exactly 6 feet above the sidewalk.

If you've spent any time in Mexico, you know that sidewalks aren't really for walking on. They're for street signs, fire hydrants, piles of junk, parked cars, trucks, and trailers, garbage to be picked up, and places for dogs to do their business. Now that I think about it, those are the primary uses for sidewalks in Petaluma as well. [comment]


I have an idea: everybody should call in an anonymous tip to the cops every time they see someone not obviously carrying a gun. Unarmed people aren't pulling their weight in society! http://www.theolympian.com//2013/03/20/2469526/man-mistaken-for-wielding-gun.html [comment]


So it's only Tuesdays and Wednesdays that El Parnazo has liters of beer for 25 pesos. But today it's only $MXP30. Still a steal. [comment]


The homebrew I started with agave syrup and wild yeast is developing some character. Still too sweet for an ale, though. More like a soda. These sugars take a lot longer to break down than maltose.

Over the past three days I uploaded all the good photos of plants on my camera to commons.wikimedia.org, part of my plan to build an easily searchable database (by bloom color, leaf shape, fruit characteristics, etc.) of edible plants. [comment]


My photos are here on Facebook in case you're a member. I don't have the patience at the moment to write up a proper HTML page with them.

Still haven't googled that fruit, but I'm about 70% sure it's edible. Perhaps I'll taste it tomorrow if I feel up to another long hike. It felt like about 20 miles today, but maybe it was less. Got lost and don't even know that I could trace out my route on mapmywalk.com, so not going to attempt it.

I'm happy enough that the acacia turned out to be edible, at least in small quantities, and my second try of the local amaranth wasn't disagreeable. If that fruit turns out to be a winner, perhaps I'll post a foraging walk on the La Paz Gringos list. I might regardless. [comment]


El Parnazo, just 3 doors towards the malecon from Cafe Frida, has liters of draft Modelo for $MXP25, barely more than the 20 pesos it costs for a Ballena in the stores. Watching the sunset glow (can't quite see the sun itself) from a table out on the sidewalk. Got some great photos and foraging info I plan to share later. [comment]


Disturbing dream. I found an empty, detached sac in my bed. Then I saw I had several such, each of which fell out as I tugged gently on them. The last two looked like they were made of that thin white plastic used for garbage bag liners, and both were empty except for some blood in the right-hand sac. I was upset with myself for not noticing testicular cancer sooner, then I woke up. [comment]


Just finished Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner. Fascinating, enlightening, and disturbing on so many levels. Highly recommended. [comment]


Just ate part of a leaf of that strange plant I mentioned. No immediate ill effects. Finally found some in flower. The blossoms are 5-sided, yellow, bell-shaped. [comment]


The scrotum itch I've been having for months now just isn't going away. Some things I've noticed: it's intermittent; dampness exacerbates it (it's worst when showering); almost-scalding water mitigates it (as it does poison oak dermatitis), as does a splash of alcohol.

Jogged to Starbucks again today, but forgot to time myself. This time I stuck to the peripheral road all the way to Moyeyo's instead of weaving through the streets of the barrios. And traffic was stopped on the highway so I didn't need to use the puente at Liverpool. [comment]


Tasted one of the unfamiliar amaranth leaves today: typical amaranthus flavor with a little more saltiness and bitterness than usual.

Also tried one of the leaves of that unknown plant with the thick stems and large, semisucculent leaves. Tastes a little like cabbage, so perhaps it's in the cruciferae family. Still probably won't know for sure until I find one with flowers. But I'm encouraged as to its edibility. Perhaps tomorrow I'll eat a leaf instead of chewing it and spitting it out, then give it the full edibility test later. [comment]


Something like this ought to work for my soapmaking experiments. [comment]


I'm really happy with my Odesk contractor Jaynus Puno from the Philippines. I've had him calling my elected representatives on my behalf (using my own Skype account) and chewing them out for their anti-constitutional activities. He really puts his heart into it, and saves me loads of time and aggravation.

As I mentioned a few days ago, I got the idea from A. J. Jacobs's My Life as an Experiment. [comment]


Got the 6to4 config surviving a reboot: gnixl.com now works if and only if you have ipv6 connectivity.

Here's my config. All you need to do is change the ipv6 (6to4) address for your server if you want to use it on your openvz vhost:

knoppix@Microknoppix:~/tunnel$ cat interfaces.tail.6to4 
auto sit0
iface sit0 inet6 manual
	up      ifconfig sit0 up
	post-up ifconfig sit0 inet6 add 2002:cfd2:53cd::1/16
	post-up route -A inet6 add 2000::/3 gw :: dev sit0
	pre-down route -A inet6 del 2000::/3 gw :: dev sit0
	pre-down ifconfig sit0 del 2002:cfd2:53cd::1/16
	down    ifconfig sit0 down


I RTFMd and got it, using the already-existing sit0 device. Now just need to make it survive a reboot by reformatting it for /etc/network/interfaces.

root@tektonic:~# setupsit0
root@tektonic:~# route -6
Kernel IPv6 routing table
Destination                    Next Hop                   Flag Met Ref Use If
::/96                          ::                         Un   256 0     1 sit0
2002::/16                      ::                         U    256 0     0 sit0
2000::/3                       ::              UG   1   0     0 sit0
fe80::/64                      ::                         U    256 0     0 sit0
::/0                           ::                         U    1   0
  0 venet0
::/0                           ::                         !n   -1  1539722 lo
::1/128                        ::                         Un   0   1   109 lo
::                ::                         Un   0   1     0 lo
::                ::                         Un   0   1     0 lo
::           ::                         Un   0   1     0 lo
2002:cfd2:53cd::1/128          ::                         Un   0   1     0 lo
ff00::/8                       ::                         U    256 0     0 sit0
::/0                           ::                         !n   -1  1539722 lo
root@tektonic:~# ping6 test-ipv6.net
PING test-ipv6.net(2a00:f10:10a:5:3:b43:80:2) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 2a00:f10:10a:5:3:b43:80:2: icmp_seq=1 ttl=62 time=127 ms
64 bytes from 2a00:f10:10a:5:3:b43:80:2: icmp_seq=2 ttl=62 time=129 ms
64 bytes from 2a00:f10:10a:5:3:b43:80:2: icmp_seq=3 ttl=62 time=120 ms

--- test-ipv6.net ping statistics --- 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 1998ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 120.734/126.045/129.578/3.845 ms root@tektonic:~# cat bin/setupsit0 #!/bin/sh # http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Linux+IPv6-HOWTO/configuring-ipv6to4-tunnels.html ifconfig sit0 up ifconfig sit0 add $(/root/bin/6to4)/16 /sbin/route -A inet6 add 2000::/3 gw :: dev sit0 root@tektonic:~# cat bin/6to4 addr=$1 if [ -z "$addr" ]; then addr=$(ipaddr) fi [ "$DEBUGGING" ] && echo addr: $addr >&2 parts=$(echo $addr | tr '.' ' ') [ "$DEBUGGING" ] && echo parts: $parts >&2 printf "2002:%02x%02x:%02x%02x::1\n" $parts



Made canary grass milk this morning, using a molcajete to grind the overnight-soaked seeds into a paste, adding water, and using a fork to hold back the hulls as I poured the milk into a glass. It tasted good but left me feeling a little light-headed.

Also purchased sodium hydroxide flakes (sosa caustica en escamas) and sunflower oil (marca Cristal aceite de girasol) to try making soap. Total cost about $MXP64 at the Aramburo supermarket on Madero. I plan on using a saponification value of .1358 as recommended by this page, but I'll have to rig something to use as a scale. [comment]


Finally found the "dandelion" I've been seeing all over La Paz (as well as back home in Petaluma): sow thistle. Other dandelion analogues I've run across are "cats-ear" and "hawkbit", but not yet here in BCS. In any case, they're all edible to a degree, at least, I've eaten some of each raw without getting sick. Except that I'm not sure I've tried the sow thistle yet. Perhaps tomorrow. [comment]


Trying to set up ipv6 on my ipv4-only virtual host. Was referred to this openvz discussion so downloaded tb-tun and set up /etc/network/interfaces.tail according to the IP addresses I got from tunnelbroker.net. I'm getting these errors, and the tb interface is unusable:

root@tektonic:/etc/network# ifup tb
tun_create: Device or resource busy
root@tektonic:/etc/network# ifconfig tb
tb        Link encap:UNSPEC  HWaddr 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00  
          inet6 addr: 2001:470:1f0e:12a7::2/128 Scope:Global
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:500 
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

root@tektonic:/etc/network# ifdown tb SIOCDELRT: No such process

Looking at the source now. [comment]


Last night I boiled a cup of the canary grass with a cup of water and stuck it in my haybox overnight. It has a pleasant, sweet smell and flavor, but the hulls make it difficult to eat; although the roughage ought to make elimination a done deal.

This method ought work for just about any wild grain, same as for the more familiar grains such as wheat and rice. Some may require more water, such as rice which can take up to two cups water per cup grain. [comment]


The canary grass sprouts I started on the evening of the 5th showed roots today, but less than 10 percent, and the whole batch smelled awful. Threw it out for the birds to eat. Guess these aren't going to be useful for that; perhaps I'll try cooking them, or just guerilla gardening with them. [comment]


Went walking along the malecon after a nice meal at McFisher. Saw lots of fish swimming along shore, and jumping a few yards offshore. Then further north saw two small stingrays, one dark and clearly visible, and the other almost indistinguishable from the sand. Gotta remember to shuffle my feet when I go out wading. [comment]


Back on the old fight-or-flight dilemma.

The two main choices I see are, stay in the US and face a civil war to get the government to respect the freedoms guaranteed by the constitution; or move somewhere that the freedoms aren't being taken away.

The former strategy is championed by the Tea Party movement, the 3 percenters, many veterans, and many conservative bloggers. Note that there are wide intersections among these groups.

The latter was championed by the famous Libertarian author Harry Browne, and the ideas are still being spread by many including Sovereign Man AKA Simon Black.

I'm disinclined to stay and fight because I own no land in the US and have no desire to do so. Many in the freedom movement believe strongly in land ownership and call anyone who lives on or hunts on public lands, or unposted private lands, a "moocher". And to a large extent I agree with that, although my desire to survive often overrides my intellectual objections. Plus, I'm not sold on the idea that land should be owned. That concept is pretty much confined to "civilized", or agricultural, societies and has little meaning outside of that construct. And then there is this quote by H. L. Mencken, who is a favorite of freedom-minded folks. There is something to be said for not forcing freedom on a people who wish to be slaves.

As for the second strategy, there really aren't a lot of palatable choices. Somalia has a lot of political freedom, but tribal laws and conflicts can make life difficult, particularly when meddling Western states are trying to impose a national government. Thailand has some good selling points, as does Brazil. My personal favorite is currently Svalbard, a semi-autonomous zone established by treaties on some islands in the Arctic. But I'm not likely able to convince a certain someone to move to any of those places. Plus, is it morally correct to run away and find freedom when others have to fight for it?

Wait a minute... the founding fathers fled to what is now the US for a fresh start, didn't they now? Hmmmm... [comment]


Since reading about the Washington state senator who proposed a tax on bicyclists for polluting, i.e. using more oxygen and therefore generating more carbon dioxide than, say, motorists, I figured that could be easily found unconstitutional. Right? I mean, we have a right to breathe, don't we?

Perhaps our founding fathers weren't cynical enough about how far tyrants could go. Nowhere is such a right spelled out in the constitution, as far as I can see. The closest thing would probably be the phrase in the 5th amendment "nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law". And that may not be close enough. A tax on breathing is infuriatingly possible. [comment]


There's a strong smell of sulfur on the beach to the north of and right next to the Parque de la Amistad along the Malecon in La Paz.

Tried dragging my magnet (a small but powerful one salvaged from a hard drive) in a Chico bag along the beach. Didn't pick up any coins but it's a great way to collect rust and magnetite particles for making thermite. [comment]


I've decided to table the Andy Pero story for now. There's a lot of intriguing stuff there, but it would take a lot of work to verify all the little pieces. And it makes the battle against evil seem all the more hopeless. And finally, the Biblical references, for me, broke the narrative. Why would these multi-dimensional, shape-shifting, time-traveling super-beings fear "Jesus Christ" for Christ's sake? [comment]


Forgot to mention: one of those stage hypnotists was at WPI the year I was there, 1974-75. I volunteered but then resisted the hypnotization and was asked to leave the stage. The hypnotist told me later during his "performance" that he sensed some problem with my heart. I don't know that I've ever had a heart problem. I told him that at the time, and that he may be "seeing" my father who had died of a heart attack, but he insisted it was me in whom he saw the problem. [comment]


The name of that woman just popped into mind: Kathy Walton. Still can't remember if she told me what the problem was she had solved, or if so, what it was. [comment]


Just finished reading all 7 pages of http://educate-yourself.org/mc/projectsuperman1part27oct99.shtml. Some things that come to mind. In one of David Icke's books, as I recall, George Bush tells a soldier to jump to his death out of a plane and he does. Perhaps that soldier was Andy Pero, and he didn't die after all.

I remember dreams when I was a child of effortlessly killing groups of people. I worried that I would grow up to be an emotionless monster.

I remember when in the Moonies a tall, muscular woman I worked with one day who confided that she had solved some intractable problem but had been told by "God" to not divulge the secret because mankind wasn't ready for it yet.

I have had moments in my life when some Truth was about to be revealed, but I have always somehow dumbed down at those times and never quite received it.

There are large chunks of my life for which I have only vignettes, the rest locked away somewhere I cannot seem to access, and on attempting, simply lose the desire.

Needless to say, the story of Andy Pero resonates with me. [comment]


Hey, many Mexican coins can be picked up with a magnet! Maybe I could get by just dragging magnets along the beach! [comment]


Mexican geckos are quite talkative. I thought it was a bird the last few days, but a bird would have been noticed by now. The gecko stands on the wall behind a large cupboard and makes loud squeaking noises every now and then. [comment]


Climbed up the cliff at Balandra today. Wasn't nearly as hairy as the waterfall in Ecuador; the steepest place was probably less than 70 degrees, and I was never more than 10 feet or so from a ledge. Nevertheless, it was a challenge, it was fun, and got my heart rate way up in no time.

Met a guy taking a picture of an action figure down by the beach. Says he travels the world taking pictures of it against different backgrounds and blogs them at bboystoys.com [update: I probably wrote it down wrong, that redirects to freshgaycum.com]. [comment]


Took me almost 53 minutes to jog to the Starbucks. I'll figure out how lame that is when I get back to my computer. [comment]


Went kayaking with friends today, out to El Mogote. A pod of dolphins was swimming past just as we were about to head back, so I ran down the beach after them and jumped in. They disappeared. Guess I scared them off.

Then on the way, we met them again, or another pod, a few hundred yards offshore. Again I got within a few feet of them and again they went down deep and resurfaced a ways off.

The lentils and wheat are starting to sprout. Not sure yet about the canary grass or flaxseed. [comment]


Bought some trigo (wheat), alpiste (canary grass), linaza (flaxseed) and lenteja (lentil) seeds for sprouting, at the Aramburo supermarket. The wheat was surprisingly cheap at $MXP13.00, about a dollar, for what I'm guessing is a kilogram or close to it. [comment]


Finally got the microphone working under Knoppix on my Aspire One netbook. The key was found here: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-886200-start-0.html, specifically, the part about using the space bar to enable capture.

The steps:

  1. Run alsamixer
  2. Hit F4 to control capture devices
  3. Use the right arrow key to select Capture
  4. Hit the spacebar and you should see ------- turn into the red text Capture, and L and R show up on either side of the base of the slider.
  5. Hit the ESC key to exit alsamixer.

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