
OK, so I spent most of every day naked at Burning Man, until the last of my all-natural sunscreen wore off Friday and I got some first-degree burns. Didn't get laid, but I didn't make any real attempts at seduction either; the few times I made any attempt at all, I just asked flat-out for sex. I wonder if that would even work on me, though I suspect it would. In any case, it didn't work for me. Is there any society where one doesn't have to play all kinds of games in order to get fucked? I have no statistics, but am fairly sure most people want sex every day but most go without, due to the complications society builds up around the extremely simple and basic act. It could and should be the easiest thing for men and women to give each other, and it's certainly one of the most pleasurable.

On a related note, cuddling for warmth, with or without sex, is another basic need that people could easily give (and get), and judging by the number of people roaming center camp, shivering, in the wee hours is a vitally needed service at Burning Man. I'll have to work with the PlayaInfo.org people next year to set up a cuddlebunny match-up.

Lacking a cuddlebunny of my own, I spent the last few nights at Spike's Vampire Bar, where the small size of the dome and the high occupancy made for a comfortable temperature. Not to mention some awesome strippers.

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